Tuesday, August 30, 2011

GYPSY on it's way!

Well.. almost... You see,  a year ago I received the Gypsy for Christmas. I was so excited about getting this product because I have seen up close what this little piece of electronics can do. I linked it, registered it and had problems with it ever since. I honestly put it in a drawer and put it out of my mind. With encouragement from a friend, you know who you are, I called the help line and found out that there were a few of the Gypsy's that were not properly working and they could be sent back within the first year under warranty. So I am happy to announce that within 2-3 weeks I will have a brand new Gypsy in my hands! I will be able to get the free downloads that my original Gypsy came with and FINALLY link all my cartridges to my Gypsy for good! I will update you when it arrives!


  1. Shipping label has arrived.. The damaged Gypsy gets mailed out tomorrow first thing.. then I will be sitting waiting patiently (ya right) for the MIB to bring me a new one!

  2. LOL You poor thing!Hopefully it will come to you REALLy quick! i can't wait to see more of your adorable creations! Take care. :)

  3. Still waiting.... can I please have my new Gypsy!

  4. The Gypsy has arrived.. Now to take the time to download everything again and get that baby cranking projects! Ya!
